Friday, May 13, 2022

Finding "Be Not Far From Me' by Mindy McGinnis



This survival story is not for squeamish readers.

One stupid mistake leads to a fight for survival for 17 year old Ashley. At the suggestion of one of her friends, Ashley and her boyfriend, Duke, and several other classmates decide to have a party off one of the trails in the national forest to celebrate the end of their junior year of high school. 

Plenty of privacy

No adult supervision.

Surrounded by nature.

The perfect plan, right?

But when Ashley stumbles across her boyfriend getting a little too cozy with another girl, her rage and pain send her crashing into the forest with no light, no shoes, and no phone. In the pitch black of the forest, Ashley doesn't see the fall coming her way which results in a debilitating injury. 

Ashley has always loved the woods and has always had an interest is wilderness survival ever since she started going to summer camp as a kid. So she knows exactly how bad her situation is, and she also knows that no one is going to come looking for her for days because they will all assume she hiked back home by herself. 

If Ashley wants to get out of the forest alive, she is going to have to confront all the dangers and obstacles the forest has to offer and find her own way back to civilization. But confronting what is inside of her and finding the strength to go on may be her greatest challenge. 

Be Not Far From Me is a raw survival story that reminds readers that while nature is beautiful, it is not tame. McGinnis also wasn't tame in her descriptions of the pain Ashley endured or the experiences she had to go through in order to survive.

Mild spoilers:

Injuries that expose bone to the elements

Removing infected flesh in order to survive. 

Eating anything she could find to prevent starvation.

(And these aren't event the worst things, but I don't want to spoil it.😀)

I deeply regretted reading parts of this book during my lunch shift, but the story was compelling. Ashley's strength and determination in the face of overwhelming odds made me root for her, despite her being a flawed human being who had made many mistakes in her young life. Ashley was a relatable character for this reason. She wasn't perfect, but she never quit. 

Despite some of gruesome elements that came along with this kind of survival story, I truly enjoyed Be Not Far From Me by Mindy McGinnis. 

Finding "Girl on the Run" by Abigail Johnson

 Perfect for fans of April Henry!!!

Girl on the Run is a YA thriller that is perfect for readers who are looking for a quick, fast paced mystery full of family secrets, shocking discoveries, and nearly nonstop action.  

Seventeen year old Katelyn Reed thinks she is doing something nice when creates an online dating profile for her overly cautious, slightly neurotic mother in an attempt to help her find love again. Her mother can be a bit over protective.

No social media. 

Only sleepovers with approved friends.

No boys.

The list goes on.

However, when Katelyn reveals to her mother what she has done, Katelyn's whole world changes. Instantly, Katelyn's mother becomes someone that Katelyn almost doesn't recognize. She tells Katelyn they have to leave, right now,  and her fear is written all over her face. Katelyn has no idea why her mother is reacting this way. She knew her mom would be resistant to an online dating profile, but she never expected this reaction. 

The next thing Katelyn knows, her mother has stolen her neighbor's car and they are abandoning their home for the past year in the middle of the night. Katelyn doesn't understand what's going on, and her mother isn't giving her any clues either. She is just frantic to get Katelyn away. 

When another car smashes into the side of their car, trying to force Katelyn and her mom off the road, Katelyn realizes that her mother's fears are very real.

Someone is coming after them, and her mother has been keeping secrets.

This YA thriller is perfect for anyone who is looking for suspense with a lighter feel to it than most thrillers. There is definitely some violence in the book as Katelyn and her mom are pursued by the mysterious people chasing them, but the violence is usually referenced in past tense, injuries are sustained merely trying to get away, or threats are made about future violence with most never being carried out. The final showdown at the end of the book is a little bloody, but overall a solid conclusion to the story. 

There is also a small romantic side story that plays a part throughout the book, and I wished this had been a little more fleshed out at the end of the book. But overall, it added a sweet element to help balance the nonstop action and fast pace of the book.

Once again, this is a great story is you are looking for a light fast paced thriller that you can get through quickly and enjoy.  

Girl on the Run is a 2022-2023 Gateway Award Nominee.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Finding "The Final Girl Support Group" by Grady Hendrix

  Holy Easter Eggs!!!

If you are a horror movie fan, then this book is a MUST-READ!!! And I'm talking about being a fan of the classic horror movies like the original Halloween franchise, Friday the 13thNightmare on Elm StreetTexas Chainsaw Massacre, etc. References to these horror movie giants are expertly interwoven throughout this suspenseful tale with just enough subtly to make the reader scour each page for more connections between the characters in this book and their story lines and the screenplays their stories were inspired by. 

I had a general idea of what to expect when I first opened The Final Girl Support Group, but I guess I wasn't anticipating the level of depth that we get as readers by diving into the minds of women who survived their own personal horror movie. That is what a Final Girl is, the last girl standing at the end of the movie who faced down the monster and won. 

The Final Girl Support Group follows Lynette Tarkington, who survived a brutal attack by a deranged serial killer and then a year later survived his younger brother's attack, both on Christmas Eve. Her parents, her boyfriend, her little sister, and later her foster parents were all casualties from these Christmas Eve slayings. 

Ever since, Lynette has been obsessed with making herself "safe", from learning self defense to turning her apartment into a fortified panic room. She cannot leave her house without feeling like people are watching her, that the monsters are still out there waiting for her. The only time she leaves her apartment is for her monthly group therapy session with a group of women who are survivors like Lynette, and their therapist Dr. Carol. Dani, Marilyn, Heather, Julia, Adrienne are all Final Girls, and they are the only people who can truly understand what Lynette is going through. 

But Lynette doesn't feel like she is a true Final Girl. Whereas all the other women in her support group fought back and eventually helped take down their attackers, Lynette merely survived the attacks and someone else took down the bad guy. So does that make her a Final Girl? Just not dying? And Lynette is keeping secrets, and those secrets could change everything if anyone ever learned about them. 

Lynette's ordered and carefully structured life comes crashing down when one of the Final Girls is murdered in her home, and it quickly becomes apparent that someone is trying to put an end to all the Final Girls once and for all. 

This horror novel is a dark, gritty story that shines some light on the depravity of mankind and the strength of the human spirit. And although Lynette frustrated me at times with her paranoia and the decisions she would make, I think she was the perfect character to focus on in this story. She truly develops as character as the story progresses, and I was content with the way Hendrix chose to end the story. 

My favorite line in the whole book was,

"Dying isn't the important thing. It's nothing more than the punctuation mark on the end of your life. It's everything that came before that matters. Punctuation marks, most people skip right over them. They don't even have a sound."

You ever read a sentence or passage and then just have to sit back and admire it? This passage did that for me. 

My favorite part of this book was trying to figure out which book character was inspired by which classic horror movie.

I am a huge classic horror movie fan, so all the Easter eggs in this book wanted to make me jump out of my seat each time I found one. I know many of the actors in these movies, and have watched documentaries on the making of these horror movies just for fun. (I'm weird, I know!) So whenever Hendrix slipped in a connection, like using part of the name of the actress that starred in the original horror movie as part of the book character's name,  I just wanted to run around and show everyone the book while screaming, "Did you see what he did there? Did you see?"

Mild Spoilers:

Julia Campbell = Neve Campbell!!!!

Heather DeLuca = Heather Langenkamp!!!!

Dani's little brother was named Nick = Nick Castle!!!!

(I'm such a nerd.) 

I had so much fun trying to pair the Final Girls to each classic horror movie. It wasn't obvious right off the bat which girls survived which movie, and that made it all the more enjoyable to me. 

Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone who is a horror movie fan and a fan Final Girls everywhere!

"I Am NOT a Serial Killer" by Dan Wells

  "I am NOT Serial Killer" has been on our library shelves for a few years now, and at the urging of my younger sister and a fello...