Thursday, October 13, 2022

Finding "Kingdom of the Feared"

Caution: Although book 1 of this series clearly fell into the YA category, book 2 and 3 are firmly in the New Adult category due to sexual content and situations.  

I hate starting a series or a trilogy before all the books come out because I can't STAND the wait for the next book! So if a series catches my eye, I typically start buying the books and just keep them on a shelf until the last one comes out or is close to coming out. 

I broke this rule with the "Kingdom of the Wicked" series. I read the first book in this trilogy not long after is was released and I was HOOKED. About a month before, "Kingdom of the Cursed" was released, I reread "Kingdom of the Wicked" and then dove straight into the newly released sequel. While I didn't enjoy the sequel as much as the first book, the cliffhanger ending of book 2 guaranteed that I would dive straight into "Kingdom of the Feared" when it came out. 

And that is exactly what I did.

I'll admit now, that a reread of books 1 and 2 would have been beneficial as there were some parts of the "Kingdom of the Feared" that were confusing. (Once again, probably my fault). I had to reread certain sections when big reveals were made and try to stretch my mind back to the previous books to look for connections or foreshadowing that lead to such reveals and plot twists. 

Here are some of the things I really enjoyed about this final book:

1. I loved that Wrath and Emilia finally put aside their anger and hurt and start working together as a team.

2. I was glad Vittoria made a bigger appearance in this book and shed some light on the central mystery in the first book. (Even though I wanted to punch her through most of it.) 

3. I LOVED Emilia's slowly developing friendship with several of the other Prince's of Hell. 

4. Emilia finally solving the mystery of the curse and coming into her power where a definite highlight of this book.

However, here were the things I didn't like or didn't really understand:

1. The inclusion of Vesta into the story. The mystery surrounding her seemed a bit like an afterthought and seemed a little irrelevant to the main story. 

2. Greed's plans and scheming. Why did he want Vesta so badly? What was he hoping to ultimately achieve? Seemed like a lot of tension and scheming for a plot point that just kind of fizzled out. 

3. I HATE the sacrifice that was made in order for the curse to be broken. I literally can't stand it when this happens in fantasy novels. 

4. The big reveal at the Shifting Isles. That one really threw me. It took me a long time to wrap my head around it and I'm still not sure it makes complete sense. I need to read all the books again while looking at them through a new lens after this reveal. 


Although Wrath and Emilia's story has been wrapped up nicely, there are still many questions left to be answered about the 7 circles and the princes who rule them. I am hoping for a spin-off book or series that will feature Vittoria, Lucia, Envy or Pride. 

So what is my final word on the matter?

Read the book. 

Read this series.

And enjoy the ride.

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