Friday, January 22, 2021

Finding "The Iron Butterfly" By Chanda Hahn

 Rating: 3.5 stars


Girl gets captured and experimented on, girl gets unexpected powers, girl trains, girl wants revenge...


While this book was not the best book I have ever read, I JUST COULD NOT STOP READING IT!

And isn't that what we all really want in a book anyway?

The story begins with the MC Thalia trapped in a dungeon with no memories of who she is or how she got there. All she can remember is the abuse she has suffered at the hands of her captors, the Septori, and her nightly sessions on their experimental device that becomes known as the Iron Butterfly. Thalia has no idea what the Septori are trying to achieve with their experiments, only that she is their star test subject as no one has had the strength to survive the Iron Butterfly as long as she has.

I will admit I was a little confused at the beginning of the book as not a whole lot of backstory is given on Thalia and her memories of her time in the dungeon and on the Iron Butterfly are vague at best. However, the story really picked up when a mysterious new arrival in their dungeon prison stages a breakout and Thalia is finally freed.


However, Thalia and her savior are quickly separated due to circumstances beyond their control. Instead Thalia is picked up by two male Denai (think descendants of angels who have magical abilities- no wings - sorry) who are traveling to the kingdom's capital. When they hear Thalia's story, they decide she needs to be taken to the capital to share her story with the queen and the Denai Masters as Thalia remembers that their were Denai imprisoned with her in the dungeon.

This begins Thalia's epic journey of trying to figure out who she is, her struggle with the unexpected side effects of the Sepotri's experiments and her sessions with the Iron Butterfly, and her determination to burn the Septori and all of their plans to the ground.


There is some light romance in this book, with the beginnings of a love triangle, but the story stands on its own without it. I am not a big fan of love triangles, but this one was pretty mild so I could go with it.

I LOVE it when Thalia get a chance to take down some of the snooty Denai teenagers and show them she is a force to be reckoned with. Thalia is a strong character, but she doesn't sacrifice her compassion or her kindness in order to be strong.

I also love her guardian, Faraway, and I think every girl needs a horse for a best friend.


Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and the rest of the series as well. It was a quick, fun, enjoyable read.

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